Food hygiene and safety

All foods sold in Germany must be safe. This applies to imported products as well. Additives must be approved. Harmful residues in pesticides are banned. Food hygiene are the conditions and measures necessary to ensure the safety of food from production to consumption.

Guaranteeing safe food is a complex task. This is because food is increasingly being traded at global level, new ingredients and products are being developed, pathogens occur and consumers change their eating habits.

That's why there is a safeguard system for food that is co-ordinated across Europe and on the international level. The BMEL and its public authorities also ensure that risks are continuously assessed, and the provisions and structures are constantly adapted to the new findings. Monitoring of compliance with these provisions is the responsibility of the Länder.

Overview of topics

Food control and inspection in Germany

Targeted checks serve to enhance consumer health protection. The industry, public authorities and consumers all have an active role to play.


German regulations on the import of food

There are a number of national and EU regulations that apply regarding the import of food to Germany


Hygiene requirements for the primary production, production, processing and distribution of foods

All food business operators, including agricultural enterprises, are subject to the EU hygiene legislation. At all stages of production, processing and distribution, including primary production, they must ensure that the foodstuffs they place on the market are safe.


Safe food

For consumers, the value of foodstuffs partly depends on how much confidence they have in the safety of those foods. Transparency and information are therefore cornerstones of modern consumer policy.



Controls in organic farming (topic:organic)

Just like conventional products, organic products must comply with the provisions applicable under food and feed law. They are examined within the scope of the control mechanisms provided for there.


German regulations on the import of food (topic:food-controls)

There are a number of national and EU regulations that apply regarding the import of food to Germany
