
Germany, the country of engineering ingenuity and industry, has always at the same time remained a country with a strong agricultural sector. Despite a high population density, half of the national territory is put to agricultural use. Around a million people produce goods worth around 50 billion Euro a year in approx. 270,000 agricultural enterprises. Farmers provide us with high-quality foodstuffs. They are also providing a growing contribution to energy and raw materials supplies. They shape and maintain the face of our country.

Germany's agricultural sector is among the four largest producers in the European Union. In order to feed the more than 200 million farm animals, around 50 percent of farmland is made up of grassland and arable land that is used for feeding purposes. For human consumption, the main production areas of the farming sector include, besides animal products, bread cereals, potatoes, sugar beet, oilseeds, fruit and vegetables. In addition, there are grassland and crop areas dedicated to the production of bioenergy and bio-resources.

Overview of topics

Plant production

Plant production is at the beginning of the agricultural value chain. The regulations on good agricultural practice make an important contribution to ensuring sustainable production. Plant production in Germany is diverse, ranging from arable farming, horticulture and fruit growing to the cultivation of wine and hops.


EU agricultural policy + support

The Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) has been one of the most important areas of European policy since the unification of Europe.


Organic farming

Organic farming is a particularly resource-conserving and environmentally friendly farming system based on the principle of sustainability. With a turnover of 15.87 billion euro in the year 2021, Germany remains the largest market for organic food in Europe.


Climate stewardship

Germany aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 55 percent at least by 2030. The Federal Government has initiated a Climate Change Act for this purpose. The Act aims at a reduction of annual emissions in the agricultural sector of from 11 to 14 million tons CO² equivalents by 2030 compared with the levels of 2014. The Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL) has developed a package of measures designed to ensure that this target is achieved.


Species diversity

The conservation and sustainable use of biological diversity in agriculture, forestry, fisheries and the food industry form the basis of life for us and for future generations.


Social policy in agriculture

Agricultural social security policy is a creative, target-oriented policy for the benefit of active farmers and their families which helps to establish the conditions for developing an efficient and competitive agricultural sector.


Bioeconomy and renewable resources

Bioeconomy is considered as one of the most important future fields for sustainable economic activity. The BMEL is promoting the transition in industry and society toward a sustainable and bio-based economy. The industrial use of renewable resources is gathering speed around the world and in Germany in particular and is tapping into new markets.


Green professions

The 14 "green professions" are versatile, technically demanding and nature-related professions in the agricultural and food sector: working with people, animals and plants, producing food such as milk, wine, honey or meat, operating state-of-the-art digitally supported technology, using laboratory know-how to ensure the quality of agricultural products or protecting our forests - the "green professions" offer a wide range of professional activities to choose from.



All publications


Global Forum for Food and Agriculture 2025 (topic:Global Forum for Food and Agriculture)

The Global Forum for Food and Agriculture (GFFA) 2025 came to a successful close. The political highlight was the 17th Berliner Conference of Ministers of Agriculture. 63 Ministers from all around the world and 14 high-level representatives of International Organisations took part.


Main features of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) and its implementation in Germany (topic:eu-agricultural-policy)

From 2023, the reform of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) will make European agriculture greener and more sustainable and provide a reliable and stable framework for the period up to 2027.


Controls in organic farming (topic:organic)

Just like conventional products, organic products must comply with the provisions applicable under food and feed law. They are examined within the scope of the control mechanisms provided for there.


Bioeconomy at a glance (topic:bioeconomy)

The term ‘bioeconomy’ or ‘bio-based economy’ refers to more sustainable business practices in all sectors in which biogenic resources are treated, processed or marketed, including related services, e.g. in the consultancy, trade or restaurant and catering sectors.


The BMEL’s “Sustainable Renewable Resources” funding programme (topic:bioeconomy)

The “Sustainable Renewable Resources” funding programme forms the foundation for the support provided by the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL) in the area of sustainable renewable resources and in particular sustainable raw materials.


National activities for biological diversity (topic:species-diversity)

The Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL) advocates improved measures to protect biodiversity and structural diversity in agricultural landscapes and forests. The BMEL therefore developed a package of policy measures.


Agriculture, climate change mitigation and climate resilience (topic:climate-stewardship)

The climate crisis is the greatest threat to agriculture, because protecting the climate, soils, water and biodiversity will determine whether we can continue to ensure our food supplies tomorrow. Climate change mitigation and increased climate resilience – i.e. resilience to the consequences of the climate crisis – are therefore the cornerstones of a forward-looking agricultural policy.


 Biodiversity: Protecting bees and insects (topic:species-diversity)

The biodiversity crisis, i.e. the rapid loss of natural and anthropogenic (agro-biodiversity) biological diversity is one of the major global crises of our time. Conserving and promoting biodiversity is key to sustainable and future-proof food production.


GENRES: Information System on Genetic Resources (topic:species-diversity)

The GENRES information platform provides a quick overview of relevant news, specialist information, documents, projects, online databases, actors and other measures for the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity in the agricultural and food sectors. A newsletter gives information on current developments in this field on a quarterly basis.


Publications of the Advisory Board on Biodiversity and Genetic Resources (topic:agriculture)

The Advisory Board is an interdisciplinary body which is to assist in further developing consumer policies. The independent body works in an honorary capacity and draws up scientific opinions and statements.
