Quality of life in old age: a healthy diet is key
We cannot and will not do without the contribution that senior citizens make to our society and the potential they have. Their life experience and advice are important. We want them to be able to stay healthy and active , participate in social and cultural life and grow old on their own terms for as long as possible. But it is also a fact that 68.2 percent of above 65 year-old men and 56.3 percent of women in this age group are overweight or even obese. And the middle education group is the most affected for both genders in this age group.
In the future, a greater focus must be placed on gearing diet towards life stage and age-group. With the population’s average age continuing to rise, it will become ever more important to also consider and improve senior citizens’ special needs and nutritional expertise. There is also a need to improve the quality of catering in institutions and of meals on wheels.
The Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture takes action to support these aims as part of the Federeal Government's Food and Nutrition Strategy "Good Food for Germany" and under the umbrella of “IN FORM – Germany’s national initiative to promote healthy diets and physical activity”.
BMEL activities regarding healthy eating in old age
Setting up networking bodies for senior nutrition in all Bundeslaender: One focus of the work of these networking bodies is to be on bringing about nationwide improvement in:
- the quality of catering in institutions for senior citizens and of mobile catering services; and
- the catering situation of senior citizens who still look after themselves at home, live in sheltered housing or are looked after by relations.
- Publication and dissemination of the DGE Quality Standards for Catering with Meals on Wheels and in Residential Homes for Elderly: The aim of the quality standard developed by the German Nutrition Society on behalf of the BMEL is to improve catering for older people and consequently to maintain their health and quality of life and prevent malnutrition.
- Co-funding the project "Im Alter IN FORM – Wellbeing of elderly people with special needs” together with the National Association of Senior Citizens' Organisations (Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft der Seniorenorganisationen - BAGSO) from July 2021 till June 2024: Content of the project: Training of multipliers and volunteer workers in the senior-citizen sector in the settings of municipalities, who disseminate information on healthy eating in old age, especially for vulnerable population groups.
- Co-funding the model project „Digital.Vital – Angebote für Ernährung, Gesundheit und Lebensfreude im Alter“ of the Hüttener Berge district in Wittensee (Schleswig-Holstein) from March 2020 till December 2022: The overarching goal is to establish a digital senior citizens‘ portal, with which already available information and service offers and innovative new offers, such as midday care for older people through online bookable participation in "neighbourhood tables", where bundled. Since the completion of the project, six modules have also been available to other municipalities wishing to introduce such a portal.
- Communal lunches for senior citizens: The BAGSO supports the provision of communal lunches for senior citizens. The aim was to create and permanently establish a sufficient number of communal lunches - particularly in rural regions. This has resulted inter alia in practical guidelines for the organisation of communal lunches, also with a view to culturally sensitive and health-promoting design. BAGSO’s IN FORM MitMachBox supports the coordinators of senior-citizen groups with day events on specific subjects relating to food and exercise.
Background - food and health
There are hardly any differences in the eating habits of the young and old in Germany: no matter whether young or old, people eat too much (red) meat (meat and sausage products), too few plant-based products (such as cereals, potatoes, fruit and vegetables), and too little fish.
Many people in Germany, and particular older people, are overweight. But one thing is certain: a balanced diet and sufficient exercise help greatly in preventing many complaints and offer a promising way to maintain the quality of life in later years.
The example of dementia
The risk of suffering from dementia, for example, is influenced by diet. A diet consisting predominantly of plant-based products can reduce the risk of dementia and slows the progress of the disease in those affected. Particular attention must be paid, in the case of those already suffering from the disease, to avoiding malnutrition.