Technical Dialogue promoting Inter-Farm Cooperation

Advising the Moroccan government on strengthening and promoting inter-company cooperation in agriculture and forestry

The Agriculture in the Kingdom of Morocco

The approach of the bilateral cooperation project is in line with the new national development strategy for the decade 2020–2030, referred to as "Génération Green" in the agricultural sector and “Forêts du Maroc” in the forestry sector. The focus is on the participation of broad sections of the population, the intensification of education and training, and the development of existing and the establishment of new inter-company cooperation in agriculture and forestry.

Portrait of the Kingdom of Morocco

Morocco is governed by a stable Islamic constitutional monarchy and has a population of around 37 million.

The agricultural sector consists largely of subsistence farms and employs around 40 percent of the total population - around three quarters of the rural population.

The Project

In the agricultural sector, the strategic focus lies on further developing inter-company cooperations with the aim of improving the self-organisation and economic prospects of the associations. Of particular importance is the marketing of products and the integration of the associations into value chains.

In the forestry sector, activities are aimed in particular at improving organisational structures and internal communication within the cooperatives and associations.

Project Goals

  • Further development of the cooperative sector and the funding instruments for the development of inter-company associations in the agricultural and forestry sector (ÜZAF)
  • Institutionalisation, dissemination and certification of the advisory approach developed in phase 1 for inter-company cooperatives
  • Establishment of a virtual dialogue and management platform for ÜZAF and advisors
  • Training of trainers for 40 advisors for ÜZAF
  • Further training of 25 ÜZAF managers in 3 pilot regions

Results and Successes

  • Examination of mergers in terms of their performance and weaknesses
  • Analysis of the legal basis and proposals for adaptation
  • Establishment of an advisory service, especially for the professionalisation of ÜZAF
  • Training of 40 ÜZAF managers to promote the further development of their associations
  • Elaboration of a training kit for advisors of ÜZAFs

Project Partners and Cooperations

  • Regional offices of the Ministry of Agriculture (MAPMDREF)
  • National Office for Agricultural Extension (ONCA)
  • Confederation of inter-branch organisations (COMADER)
  • Federation of Private Agricultural Extensionists (FICAP)
  • National School of Agriculture in Meknès (ENAM)
  • Programme "Revitalisation of rural areas through employment and entrepreneurship in the agricultural and para-agricultural sector (TREEA)"

Project Partner on Operational Level

  • Directorate of Strategy and Statistics (DSS)

Implementing Organisation

GOPA AFC GmbH in cooperation with AFCi Consultants Maroc

Link to project website: GOPA-AFC

Released as text


German-Moroccan Technical Dialogue on Agriculture and Foresty (DIAF) - Promotion of Organic Farming
Advising the Moroccan government on the promotion of organic farming including an appropriate marketing strategy
Bâtiment C de l’INRA
Angle des avenues Hassan II et Ibn Al Ouazzani
10000 Rabat

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