German–Moldovan Agricultural Policy Dialogue
Agricultural policy dialogue to support Moldova’s accession to the EU in the agricultural sector
Agriculture in Moldova
Agriculture is of great importance in the Republic of Moldova, contributing almost 8 % to GDP and 45 % to exports. Around 38 % of the labour force is employed in agriculture and forestry. The rural exodus is one of the biggest challenges. The national agricultural policy is aimed at competitiveness, sustainability and improving living conditions in rural areas. EU accession is both a great opportunity and a challenge for the agricultural sector. The Republic of Moldova must transpose the extensive EU legislation on agriculture, food safety and fisheries in the agricultural sector into national law and be demonstrably capable of implementing it.
The Project
The project supports the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Industry (MAFI) in meeting the challenges of the EU accession process. This includes numerous analysis, coordination, counselling and training measures:
• Support in screening the EU acquis and aligning national agricultural policy with EU standards,
• the secretarial function of an EU mentoring group,
• the development of scientific cooperation and
• capacity building measures.
The main target group is the employees of the ministry and the authorities responsible for the various specialised areas.
Project Goals
MAFI and the agencies responsible for the specialised areas should make significant progress in the accession process:
• Support the harmonisation of national law with EU law,
• Strengthening administrative capacity to implement EU law,
• Establishment of a dialogue and multi-stakeholder platform.
Results and Successes
On 15. December 2023, the European Council decided to open accession negotiations with the Republic of Moldova. The APD is ready to actively support the upcoming accession process in the agricultural sector. The project includes the establishment of the APD as a central agricultural policy dialogue platform. Secondly, the APD supports the Republic of Moldova in the accession negotiations with the EU, which begin with the screening process for the negotiation chapters on agriculture, rural development (11) and food safety (12). Finally, the APD is intended to strengthen MAFI’s capacities in the area of programming and monitoring of agricultural policy.
Project Partners and Cooperations
• Ministry for Agriculture and Food Industry (MAFI)
• Agency for Intervention and Payments in Agriculture (AIPA)
• National Agency for Food Safety (ANSA)
Project Partner on Operational Level
• Ministry for Agriculture and Food Industry (MAFI)
Link to project website: APD-Moldau
Moldova - Agricultural Policy Dialogue
Team Europe – Supporting EU integration in the Moldovan agricultural sector
Stefan cel Mare si Sfant Boulevard 162
2004 Chisinau