Social Media, Apps, RSS

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Social Media

The BMEL offers information on the BMEL Twitter channel as well as on the BMEL Instagram channel called @lebensministerium.



The BMEL offers two apps (free of charge) in German for interested citizen.

Too good for the bin app agains food waste

To prepare delicious leftover meals from leftovers: For this purpose there is the app Zu gut für die Tonne! with more than 700 cooking ideas including recipes from top chefs and celebrity chef mentors such as Johan Lafer or Daniel Brühl. Here you will find classic meals like "Armer Ritter" (French Toast) as well as new creations and smart side dishes made of few ingredients. Furthermore the app gives tips for shopping, correct storage and utilization of food.

App for iOS - AppStore

App for Android - GooglePlay

Mobile App - die Waldfibel WaldApp

Forest information app "Waldfibel"

App for iOS - AppStore

App for Android - GooglePlay


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What is RSS?

RSS (an abbreviation for "Really Simple Syndication") is a platform-independent format developed to exchange news and other web content.

Reading RSS feeds

It is now often no longer necessary to use special RSS readers, as modern browsers are also able to display RSS feeds: they show you the titles of the news arti-cles and brief summaries; a link then takes you to the complete text. This enables you to follow the changes to a website without visiting it directly.

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