Statistical data of the BMEL

The data provided by the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL) is based on a variety of statistical sources. The quality criteria for their selection are accurateness, accessibility, transparency, comparability over time and space, and timeliness.

Reliable and well-founded data and facts are extremely valuable for business, society, scien-tific research and politics. They reflect the prevailing conditions and underlying developments within society, the economy, the public sector and the environment, thereby providing an indispensable bedrock for economic and political decisions. Statistics and reports with extensive figures from all fields within the agricultural, forestry and food sectors are provided online by the BMEL at

The main focus is on the Statistical Monthly Report, the Statistical Yearbook, brochures with fine-scale data for specific statistical fields, and individual articles on current developments.

Of particular significance are the annual reports on the agriculture sector's economic situation based on results from the German test farm survey. The information for these publications is partly drawn from the BMEL's own statistics and calculations, but mainly comes from data collected by official statistics agencies on a statutory basis.

The following documents are also published:

  • the annual Harvest Report with initial results from the Extraordinary Harvest and Quality Evaluation
  • the semi-annual forecast of developments within the cattle and pig market based on data from livestock surveys

Released as article
