Bioeconomy and renewable resources

Bioeconomy is considered as one of the most important future fields for sustainable economic activity. The BMEL is promoting the transition in industry and society toward a sustainable and bio-based economy. The industrial use of renewable resources is gathering speed around the world and in Germany in particular and is tapping into new markets.

In the context of dwindling fossil resources this is good news especially for Germany, a country with limited mineral resources that is dependent on alternative sources of raw materials. Questions about what raw materials will be used how in the future have an impact not only on our economic prosperity but also on global climate change.

Overview of topics

Bioeconomy at a glance

The term ‘bioeconomy’ or ‘bio-based economy’ refers to more sustainable business practices in all sectors in which biogenic resources are treated, processed or marketed, including related services, e.g. in the consultancy, trade or restaurant and catering sectors.


From fossil resources to sustainability

To conserve the natural foundations of life for humans, animals and plants, we must reduce the exploitation of these resources to a level that is ecologically sustainable.


The BMEL’s “Sustainable Renewable Resources” funding programme

The “Sustainable Renewable Resources” funding programme forms the foundation for the support provided by the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL) in the area of sustainable renewable resources and in particular sustainable raw materials.
