EU agricultural policy + support

The Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) has been one of the most important areas of European policy since the unification of Europe.

The CAP has been continuously adapted to the changing living conditions in Europe. Globalisation, climate change and the strengthening of rural areas will shape the future profile of CAP. In this context the farming industry is located in the area of tension between social and ecological responsibility and the economic need for sustainable entrepreneurial action.

Overview of topics

Main features of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) and its implementation in Germany

From 2023, the reform of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) will make European agriculture greener and more sustainable and provide a reliable and stable framework for the period up to 2027.


Direct payments

Direct payments represent a core element of EU agricultural support. This instrument supports the safeguarding of incomes and risk protection of agricultural holdings in the form of a payment that is not linked to production. These payments are intended to cushion the impact of the, in part, considerable fluctuations of agricultural prices.


Joint Task for the "Improvement of Agricultural Structures and Coastal Protection"

The Joint Task for the "Improvement of Agricultural Structure and Coastal Protection" (Gemeinschaftsaufgabe "Verbesserung der Agrarstruktur und des Küstenschutzes"; GAK) is the most important national funding instrument for the support of agriculture and forestry, rural development and improvements in coastal and flood protection.


Agri-environment-climate measures (AECMs), organic farming and animal welfare measures

Agri-environment-climate measures (AECMs), organic farming and animal welfare measures are essential instruments for achieving environmental objectives under the Common European Agricultural Policy. The European Union’s legal framework requires at least 30 percent of funding to be in rural development programmes according to Article 59(6) of the EU Regulation on support for rural development (EAFRD).



Questions and Answers on the Common European Agricultural Policy (CAP)

The CAP has been one of the most important areas of European policy since the inception of European integration. The CAP has been repeatedly adjusted to take account of changes in living conditions in Europe. You can find answers to frequently asked questions concerning the Common Agricultural Policy of the European Union here:
