Organic farming

Organic farming is a particularly resource-conserving and environmentally friendly farming system based on the principle of sustainability. With a turnover of 15.87 billion euro in the year 2021, Germany remains the largest market for organic food in Europe.

All organic products produced and sold in the European Union (EU) are governed by the standards defined in EU legislation and are controlled accordingly. Products of this type are labelled with the German organic production logo, which provides reliable guidance for consumers in this area. Moreover, some German organic production associations have standards linked to their own label that even go beyond those prescribed by EU law.

Overview of topics

2030 Organic Strategy: National Strategy for 30% Organic Production in the Farming and Food Sector by 2030

30 measures for 30 % organic production by 2030: On 16 November 2023, Federal Minister Cem Özdemir presented his ministry's (BMEL) 2030 Organic Strategy in Berlin.


Boosting organic farming: developing the 2030 Organic Strategy

Organic farming is the German Federal Government’s guiding principle for ensuring a sustainable agricultural sector. This is why, in their coalition agreement, the ruling parties agreed to aim to have 30% of agricultural land in Germany farmed organically by 2030. To achieve this goal, it is necessary to eliminate the barriers that, at present, impede the production, processing and consumption of, as well as the trade in, organic food. Furthermore, it is essential to facilitate the transformation towards organic farming and to foster a sound market development by means of targeted support programmes that aim to stimulate both demand and supply.


Controls in organic farming

Just like conventional products, organic products must comply with the provisions applicable under food and feed law. They are examined within the scope of the control mechanisms provided for there.
