Forests around the globe

BMEL co-ordinates the federal government’s international forest policy and is committed both to combating ongoing deforestation and illegal logging, and to promoting sustainable forest management. Nine million hectares of natural forest are destroyed every year, particularly in tropical countries.

 As a consequence of poverty, non-sustainable land use, weak government structures and the economic attractiveness of other forms of land use (e.g. soy cultivation, palm oil extraction), large stretches of natural forests in developing countries are frequently converted to other uses.

Illegal logging, i.e. the felling of trees in violation of statutory provisions in the harvest country, leads not only to deforestation and the loss of biodiversity but also impedes climate protection and the fight against poverty.

Overview of topics

Climate change mitigation, forests and use of wood

Climate change mitigation is a global challenge and a political priority.


Deforestation-free supply chains: agricultural production without forest destruction

According to the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO), land clearing for agricultural purposes accounts for up to 90 percent of global deforestation. This mainly affects forests in the tropics. The demand for palm oil, soya and cocoa in important consumer countries such as the U.S. and China but also the EU is considered an important driving factor alongside domestic consumption in the producer regions. For successful international forest protection, agricultural commodities must be produced as sustainably as possible. This also means: without destroying forest areas.
