Sustainable agri-food systems

Sustainable agricultural and food systems are a prerequisite for ensuring a permanently sufficient and healthy diet while protecting humans, animals, ecosystems and the climate. These systems should also ensure diverse agricultural, food and forestry sectors in which farmers can operate in an economically viable manner and in which young people can also recognise and utilise prospects for the future.

‘Sustainable’ means not only future-proof but also crisis-proof. The agricultural, food and forestry sectors are facing tremendous challenges: the climate crisis, species extinction, soil quality degradation and losses, rising pollution and a high resource consumption are endangering our natural foundations for life and hence also our food security. In addition, risks include armed conflicts, such as the Russian war of aggression against Ukraine, economic shocks and the repercussions of the COVID-19 pandemic, which are still tangible, especially in developing countries.


The term “agri-food systems” describes the complex interrelationships and interdependencies between the way agricultural commodities are produced, processed and transported, and finally the way food and other farm-based products are consumed and handled.

The basis for the required transformation of agri-food systems is the UN’s 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development with its 17 Sustainable Development Goals ("SDGs"), which was developed in 2015. On this basis, the German Sustainable Development Strategy (DNS) and the agreements of the coalition agreement form the political framework for Germany’s contribution to achieving the transformation goals. Since 2024, the German Sustainable Development Strategy has been further developed in a broad-based public process and hence reflects the increased German commitment to achieving all SDGs, including the transformation area of "sustainable agri-food systems".

2024 Youth Policy Forum

Further development of the German Sustainable Development Strategy - future-proofing agriculture and food! With this mission, the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL) invited young people wanting change in the agri-food sector to the Berlin office to attend the Youth Policy Forum.

More than 50 participants discussed the path towards future-proof and resilient food and agricultural systems in Berlin. It is certain that the young generation plays an important role in this transformation: Young people are particularly affected by the major future challenges and they are very involved in finding and implementing solutions. In addition to Federal Minister Cem Özdemir and State Secretary Silvia Bender, participants included Fidelis Stehle and Audrey MacLean, the United Nations’ youth delegates, and Dr Gesa Miehe-Nordmeyer, Head of the Directorate-General for Social, Health, Labour Market and Environmental Policies at the Federal Chancellery.

The interactive workshops addressed the issues of climate change policy in the agri-forestry sector, biodiversity, sustainable consumption and the future European Agricultural Policy. The results of the forum will now be fed into the ongoing development of the German Sustainable Development Strategy.

On the occasion of the Youth Policy Forum, the participants formulated and signed a "Youth Declaration on the Future of Farming (in German)".

Transformation report on sustainable agri-food systems

On 05 June 2024, the Federal Cabinet adopted a Transformation Report on “Sustainable Agri-food Systems”. It outlines ways in which agricultural, food and forestry sectors provide for sufficient healthy food in times of the climate crisis while at the same time contributing to the protection of ecosystems, human and animal health and the climate.

The report highlights challenges and objectives in all agricultural areas along the value chains and presents measures to deal with the issues. Essential points include, inter alia:

  • the phasing-in of the mandatory animal husbandry labelling system and the financing of future-proof animal husbandry. They provide for more transparency and contribute to making it possible that in the future, livestock numbers will be reduced while improving husbandry conditions at the same time, and that our farmers will receive fair remuneration.
  • Action Plan on Nature-based Solutions for Climate and Biodiversity It strengthens ecosystems and combines climate stewardship with nature conservation, species protection and precautions to deal with the consequences of the climate crisis.
  • Protein Crop Strategy It promotes both domestic production of plant proteins for feeding and human consumption and contributes to environment protection and climate change mitigation by reducing the use of fertilisers and through humus formation.
  • 2030 Organic Strategy The goal of strengthening organic farming and achieving a share of organic production on 30 % of cultivated area by 2030 creates added value in many different ways: the conservation of biodiversity, the protection of water resources, the preservation of fertile soils and the active storage of carbon.
  • The National Water Strategy and the Water Action Programme They lay the foundation for modern water management to protect this irreplaceable resource for nature and humanity.

“We are working towards making our agricultural sector and the downstream sectors more sustainable and hence crisis-resilient. We have already achieved a great deal, but finally we will only rise to these challenges together – and only if we involve the people who bear responsibility now and in the future.“

Federal Minister Cem Özdemir

The report was developed together with the Federal Environment Ministry in connection with a broad-based consultation process with all relevant stakeholders of the agri-food sector and in particular involving youth and practitioners. The German Council for Sustainable Development, the Science Platform Sustainability 2030 and the Dialogue Network on Future-Proofing Agriculture (consisting of 50 practitioners from agriculture and nature conservation) were also included. Both the Environment and the Agriculture Ministry received support in devising the report by a transformation team with representatives of five more federal ministries and the Federal Chancellery.

2023 Sustainability Conference

On 4 May 2023, the BMEL’s Sustainability Conference was held in Kirchberg an der Jagst. Its motto was “Shaping change together – transforming agri-food systems now”. The conference gathered more than 700 participants who discussed topics such as organic farming and sustainable diets in expert meetings. The young generation was also particularly involved here.

2022 BMEL Sustainability Report

The Sustainability Report lists measures that the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL) has taken to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the 2030 Agenda. In particular, the BMEL’s work places particular focus on the following SDGs: “Zero hunger” (SDG 2), “Good health and well-being” (SDG 3), “Responsible consumption and production" (SDG 12), “Climate action" (SDG 13), “Life below water" (SDG 14) and “Life on land" (SDG 15). By compiling this report, the BMEL also fulfils its responsibility under the German Sustainable Development Strategy to report on its transformation efforts.

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