
Food and agriculture are subjects that affect all citizens directly. The BMEL’s main aims include promoting a well-balanced and healthy diet with safe food, providing clear consumer information with regard to food purchases, promoting strong and sustainable agricultural, forestry and fisheries sectors, creating good prospects for our many rural areas, improving animal welfare and promoting global food security. Find out more on our topics below.

Overview of topics

Food and nutrition

The Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL) promotes the healthy enjoyment of food. An important basis for this is providing information about a healthy diet at all stages of life, for example via the National Action Plan "IN FORM – German national initiative to promote healthy diets and physical activity".


Consumer protection

At the very top of the agenda of the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL) is the ongoing effort to ensure that our food remains safe along the entire chain - from stable to table. All foods sold in Germany must be safe. With regard to product safety, the BMEL works to ensure that protection is provided against allergenic and hazardous substances.



Germany, the country of engineering ingenuity and industry, has always at the same time remained a country with a strong agricultural sector. Despite a high population density, half of the national territory is put to agricultural use. Around a million people produce goods worth around 50 billion Euro a year in approx. 270,000 agricultural enterprises. Farmers provide us with high-quality foodstuffs. They are also providing a growing contribution to energy and raw materials supplies. They shape and maintain the face of our country.



All animal keepers, in the private domain as well, must meet the requirements of animal welfare. Animal breeding and animal husbandry are important mainstays of Germany's agricultural sector. In this regard, animal health is key to the welfare and productivity of the animals. Safe animal feed, responsible use of veterinary medicines and the effective prevention and control of animal diseases help to achieve this objective.


Rural regions

Rural areas with their villages and traditional farming landscape are a striking feature of our homeland. This is where the majority of our small and medium-sized enterprises from trade, industry and services are located. This is also where our regionally diverse food is produced. The decentralised structure is one of Germany’s particular strengths. Our countryside also offers space for nature and leisure activities.



German forests have many faces, talents and functions. They leave their mark on landscapes, provide a habitat for plants and animals and help to protect the climate, water and soils. At the same time, forests provide an area for recreation and exercise and form part of our cultural identity. Our forests are therefore, at the same time, natural environments and places to pursue recreation and engage in economic activities.



Fish and seafood are highly valued by consumers. Germany is only about 25 percent self-sufficient in respect of fish. Nevertheless, the coastal fishing sector still plays an important role, as it also processes the large quantities of fish that are imported from all over the world, especially from Norway and China, but also from other EU states.


International affairs

The markets of the agricultural and food industry are globally intertwined. Export and trade - which includes international and national fairs - play an important role. Whether regarding trade, consumer protection or nutrition issues - anyone who wants to successfully tackle political goals in these fields must do so beyond national borders at European and international level.



Whether in rural development, agriculture, forestry or the food industry – the possibilities provided by digital technologies are being used intensively throughout Germany: the introduction of digital technologies already contributes to producing food more sustainably, preventing emissions, improving animal welfare and keeping rural areas attractive.



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