Ukraine - Sustainable development of the fruit and vegetable sector – DUALOG

Strengthening the fruit and vegetable sector in the Vinnytsia region, with a particular focus on improving the structural framework conditions for production and marketing.

The Agriculture in the Ukraine

The Russian war of aggression has resulted in a shortage of fresh food in some parts of Ukraine. In some of the main growing regions, fruit and vegetable production has completely collapsed. Therefore, parts of the country, such as the Vinnytsia oblast (region) in western Ukraine, are of considerable importance for self-sufficiency on food. To this end, the political framework conditions must be strengthened, and agricultural advisory services as well as vocational training and education in the fruit and vegetable sector in the region must be improved.

Portrait Ukraine

Despite constant air strikes and power cuts, Ukrainian farmers are doing their best to grow fruit and vegetables.

The volume of trade on the Ukrainian market has increased again since summer 2022, even if it has not yet reached pre-war levels.

The Project

The project supports the development of a sustainable fruit and vegetable sector in Ukraine as part of the transformation of the agricultural and food system and to strengthen food sovereignty in times of war. The focus is on advising key institutions on legal and institutional framework conditions, as well as modernising agricultural advisory services and vocational training in the fruit and vegetable sector in the Vinnytsia region. By promoting strategic agricultural investments (e.g. agricultural infrastructure, business start-ups), the project also makes a direct contribution to reconstruction in Ukraine. During project implementation, a particular focus is placed on the consideration of agroecological principles, including, specifically, the participation and involvement of marginalised groups and the promotion of gender equality.

Project Goals

• Strengthened legal and institutional framework for the production and marketing of fruit and vegetables in the Vinnytsia oblast
• Improved offerings and structures in the area of vocational education and training, as well as agricultural advisory services in relation to fruit and vegetable cultivation
• Financial support for strategic agricultural investments and business start-ups in the fruit and vegetable sector in Vinnytsia

Results and Successes

In the first year of the project, working groups were formed for each result area and work began on the content. The preparations for the construction of a cold storage
facility and warehouse at the Illintsi Agricultural College have largely been completed (e.g. construction and operator concepts). Construction is scheduled to begin in early 2024. In addition, funding instruments have been developed for further agricultural investments (e.g. setting up new businesses). In October 2023, a study tour by specialists from the project partners took place to Germany to find out about favourable conditions in the fruit and vegetable sector.

“In times of war, the project makes a significant contribution to the reconstruction of the agricultural sector and strengthens food sovereignty in Ukraine.” -Serhii Zditovetskyi Deputy Head of the Vinnytsia Regional State Administration

Project Partners and Cooperations

• Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food of Ukraine (MAPE)
• Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine (MBW)

Project Partner on Operational Level

• Regional State Administration of Vinnytsia Oblast
• Illintsi Agricultural College
• Scientific and Methodological Centre for Higher and Further Vocational Education (WMZ VFPO)

Implementing Organisation

ADT Project Consulting GmbH
Adenauerallee 176
53113 Bonn, Germany

Link to the project website: DUALOG

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Sustainable development of the fruit and vegetable sector – DUALOG
Strengthening the fruit and vegetable sector in the Vinnytsia region, with a particular focus on improving the structural framework conditions for production and marketing.
Vyzvolennya St. 8
21000 Winnyzja, Winnyzja Oblast

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