German–Uruguayan Technical Agricultural Dialogue

The bilateral dialogue enhances the exchange of expertise on agroecological, sustainable and climate-resilient production systems in agriculture.

The Agriculture in Uruguay

The agricultural sector plays an important role in the Uruguayan economy and is severely affected by the impacts of climate change. Therefore, sustainable and agro- ecological agriculture forms the basis for future-proof food systems. For the transition to climate-friendly, resilient and sustainable production systems, Uruguay’s agricultural policy is geared towards preserving healthy soils and protecting natural resources and promotes innovative approaches.

Portrait Uruguay

Uruguay covers an area of around 176,000 km² with a population of around 3.5 million inhabitants and is characterized by its diverse nature.

The predominantly flat topography is characterized by wide plains with natural grassland and partly hilly landscapes. The influence of the Río de la Plata and the Atlantic Ocean characterizes the climatic conditions along the coast. Uruguay's ecoregions reflect this diversity and range from gallery forests along watercourses to natural grasslands in the central regions.

The Project

The technical dialogue promotes research, dissemination and application of climate-resilient and agroecological production systems in cooperation with various institutions in the Uruguayan and German agricultural sector. Main topics are the further development of the soil microbiome for healthy soils, the cultivation of hemp for fiber and grain production, the promotion of agricultural extension systems and gender-sensitive approaches. The project is designed to be supra-regional and involves experts and managers from government and scientific institutions in both countries as well as other Latin American professional and research networks.

Project Goals

  • Strengthening bilateral scientific cooperation to further develop the soil microbi- ome for resilient plant production systems on healthy soils
  • Establishment of a dialogue platform on key technical and political topics (including C-fixation in soils, industrial hemp, deforestation-free supply chains, gender-sensitive approaches)
  • Regional networking and dissemination of scientific results with practical applica- tion relevance.

The operational planning workshop took place in Montevideo in December 2023. The topics to be prioritized in the German-Uruguayan technical dialogue were jointly discussed with the project partners MGAP and INIA.

Results and Successes

The Julius Kühn-Institute and the Uruguayan agricultural research institute INIA will conduct joint research on the potential and possible applications of the soil microbiome and thus establish the basis for efficient and resilient cultivation systems. A dialogue platform between the agricultural ministries of both countries will ensure that the scientific results are widely accessible and incorporated into political decision-making processes.

Project Partners and Cooperations

  • Ministerio de Ganadería, Agricultura y Pesca - Ministry of Livestock, Agriculture, and Fisheries (MGAP)
  • Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA)
  • Cooperative Program for the Development of Agricultural Technology in the Southern Cone (PROCISUR)

Project Partners on Operational Level

  • Ministerio de Ganadería, Agricultura y Pesca – Ministry of Livestock, Agriculture, and Fisheries (MGAP)
  • Instituto Nacional de Investigación Agropecuária – National Institute of Agriculture (INIA)
  • Julius Kühn-Institute (JKI)

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German–Uruguayan Technical Agricultural Dialogue
The bilateral dialogue enhances the exchange of expertise on agroecological, sustainable and climate-resilient production systems in agriculture.
Parque Tecnológico del LATU
Avda. Italia 6201
11500 Montevideo

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