International Projects of BMEL

International Projects of BMEL


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  1. Ethiopia - Supporting Sustainable Agricultural Productivity

    Ethiopian Flag

    Improved conditions for the production of pre-basic seeds strengthen the seed sector and increase agricultural productivity in Ethiopia.


  2. Sustainable animal breeding and husbandry in China

    Chinese flag

    Partnership-based development of innovative, practice-oriented solutions for sustainable, environmentally and climate-friendly animal breeding and husbandry


  3. Fostering food security policy implementation with the support of multistakeholder platforms

    Logo with an ear of wheat and the inscription Fiat Panis

    The Committee on World Food Security (CFS) supports food security and nutrition (FSN) worldwide through the development and endorsement of policy recommendations and guidance.


  4. Research project FEMOZ - Mozambique

    Farmer with tablet in a field. Lettering: Research cooperation

    Strengthening the Resilience of Rural Food Environments in the Context of Disaster Risk and Climate Change in Mozambique. Establishmentof long-term living lab research and developement infrastructures to strengthen the resilience of rural food environments in Mozambique.


  5. Research project SIFS-CLIM, India

    Farmer with tablet in a field. Lettering: Research cooperation

    Sustainable Integrated Farming Systems for Mitigation and Adaptation of Climate Change with Smallholder Farm(er)s in India


  6. Research project SolFood, Kenya

    Farmer with tablet in a field. Lettering: Research cooperation

    Ecology, technological and capacity building strategies for a sustainable optimization of local maize-based food systems and climate-change resilient food production at the level of smallholder farmers in Kenya. Reduction of food losses due to mycotoxin contamination and development of alternative detoxification and utilization strategies for already infested maize.


  7. Research project NaviNut - Benin, Kenya

    Farmer with tablet in a field. Lettering: Research cooperation

    Enhancing women's agency in navigatting changing food environments to improve child nutrition in African drylands. Strengthening women in their various nutrition and health-related roles and improving their capacity to provide healthy nutrition for their children.


  8. Research project NIFAM - Vietnam, Myanmar

    Farmer with tablet in a field. Lettering: Research cooperation

    Nutrition Intervention Forcasting and Monitoring. Participatory development of decision models and tools for policy makers to design effective nutrition interventions.


  9. Research project NutriAide - India

    Farmer with tablet in a field. Lettering: Research cooperation

    NutriAIDE - Building smart food environments for improved nutrition. Improving the understanding of food consumption in urban India and changing the dietary habits with the help of an app called NutriAIDE®.


  10. Agricultural Policy Dialogue German–Kazakhstan

    Flag of Kazakhstan

    Consultancy with international expertise on selected and current topics of agricultural policy and agriculture to improve mutual German-Kazakh understanding.


  11. Research project Food-SAMSA - South Africa

    Farmer with tablet in a field. Lettering: Research cooperation

    Food envirements in Africa: Addressing Malnutrition using a Syndemics Approach. Assessment of the determinants of malnutrition in all it's forms and Development of effective measures for improvement using a systemic multi-level approach.


  12. Research project FETE - Ghana, Malaysia South Africa, Tanzania

    Farmer with tablet in a field. Lettering: Research cooperation

    Shaping Food Environments in Transitioning Econimies for sustainable and healthy diets. Development of solutions to design health-promoting urban food environments in emerging countries and elaboration of evidence-based policy recommendations.


  13. Research project FoCo-Active - Tanzania

    Farmer with tablet in a field. Lettering: Research cooperation

    Addressing the triple burden of malnutrition through behavioural change in food consumption and physical activity: A rural-urban comparative study in Tanzania. Developement and implementation program that optimizes both food intake and physical activity to combat all three forms of malnutrition.


  14. Kenia/Senegal - AfriNutriForest

    Flags of Kenya and Senegal

    Agroforestry reinvented: agroecological, nutrition-sensitive intensification of vegetable production under fruit trees in Western and Eastern Africa


  15. Expertise development for milk pro- duction in Kazakhstan – Phase 2

    Flag of Kazakhstan

    Development of expertise and structures for sustainable milk production extension service for household farms and small and medium-sized enterprises in southern Kazakhstan


  16. Technical Dialogue promoting Inter-Farm Cooperation

    Chickpeas and the Moroccan flag

    Advising the Moroccan government on strengthening and promoting inter-company cooperation in agriculture and forestry


  17. German–Moldovan Agricultural Policy Dialogue

    Baskets in a vineyard in Moldova

    Agricultural policy dialogue to support Moldova’s accession to the EU in the agricultural sector


  18. German–Uruguayan Technical Agricultural Dialogue

    The national flags of Uruguay and Germany as a stylized puzzle lying on a world map

    The bilateral dialogue enhances the exchange of expertise on agroecological, sustainable and climate-resilient production systems in agriculture.


  19. Cooperation Project "Sustainable Agriculture"

    Mongolian flag

    Agricultural dialogue to support agricultural advisory services and the promotion of sustainable, climate-adapted agriculture in crop and vegetable production in Mongolia


  20. Ukraine - Sustainable development of the fruit and vegetable sector – DUALOG

    Fruit sorting line in Ukraine

    Strengthening the fruit and vegetable sector in the Vinnytsia region, with a particular focus on improving the structural framework conditions for production and marketing.


  21. Promoting inclusive local land tenure governance in Mauritania and Sierra Leone

    Female farmer with a goat in Africa

    Weak land governance in Mauritania and Sierra Leone leads to insecure tenure and unequal access to land and other natural resources, particularly among women and youth.


  22. German-Ukrainian Cooperation in Organic Agriculture (COA)

    Ukrainian flag

    Cooperation between Germany and Ukraine in organic farming through capacity building and strengthening of structures


  23. The Global Livestock Environmental Assessment Model (GLEAM)

    Landwirt mit einem Hahn

    Quantifying options for lowgreenhouse gas emissions along livestock supply chains


  24. FAO - Fast Partnership

    Logo FAO Fast Partnership

    Nutrition and agriculture for sustainable change


  25. Empowering young agri-entrepreneurs

    Young farmer in a grain field in Africa

    Empowering young agri-entrepreneurs to unlock their potential as responsible investors for sustainable agrifood systems.


  26. Sustainable soil management for food-sensitive agriculture

    Soil Doctors Burkina Faso

    Not only the quantity and diversity of food that is responsible for a nutrient-rich diet, but also the nutrient content of cereals, fruit and vegetables. Healthy, nutrient-rich soil is the basis for this.


  27. Scaling up global capacities for responsible governance of water tenure

    Farmer in Thailand checks an irrigation system on field

  28. Transformation of food systems in urban regions by reducing food losses and waste

    A man's hand reaps a cocoa fruit

    The loss of food from production, packaging and transportation to consumers not only contributes to hunger and malnutrition, but also to unnecessary greenhouse gas emissions.


  29. Technical Dialogue promoting Organic Farming

    Chickpeas and the Moroccan flag

    Advising the Moroccan government on the promotion of organic farming including an appropriate marketing strategy


  30. Agricultural Market Development in India (AMD India)

    Indian flag

    Expert dialogue in support of India’s strategy for modernising agricultural markets


  31. Kenia - SolFOOD

    Flag of Kenya

    Ecological, technological and capacity building strategies for a sustainable optimization of local maize-based food systems and climate-change resilient food production at the level of smallholder farmers in Kenya


  32. Agricultural Policy Dialogue Germany – South East Europe

    Aerial view of fields in Kosovo

    The APD supports the regional cooperation of the Western Balkan countries, the EU accession process and the sustainability transformation of agriculture


  33. Developing global nutrition guidelines and standards for school food to safeguard children´s ans adolelscent´s Right to Food

    Lunchbaskets with fruits

  34. Raising awareness and increasing the use of the committee on World Food Security's policy products

    CFS Logo

    The Committee on World Food Security (CFS) supports food security and nutrition (FSN) worldwide through the development and endorsement of policy recommendations and guidance.


  35. Strengthening the capacity of SACAU members

    Agricultural area in South Africa

    Strengthening capacities of SACAU members in climate resilience and further topics of strategic importance through peer learning and exchanges


  36. Pro-Planteurs II

    Cocoa pods next to a sack of cocoa beans

    Professionalisation of farmers and their organisations in the cultivation of sustainable cocoa


  37. Southern Africa - Empowering marginalized groups through knowledge

    Agricultural area in South Africa

    Creating a bridge between academic expertise and practical solutions for rural stakeholders in Southern Africa through regional cooperation


  38. Brazil - Agricultural Policy Dialogue Brazil-Germany

    Brazilian flag

    Bilateral exchange on sustainable and climate-friendly forms of agriculture


  39. Thailand - Innovation networks for sustainable agriculture

    Flag of Thailand

    Promoting innovative solutions for strengthening the sustainability of agricultural production and management systems


  40. Ukraine – Agricultural Policy Dialogue, Land Component and German Food Bridge

    Ukrainian flag

    Exchange platform for key agricultural and land policy issues, agricultural trade issues, EU integration and sustainable rural development


  41. Ukraine – ­Agricultural vocational training – FABU

    Ukrainian flag

    Improving the methods of practice-orientated training at agricultural colleges and introducing elements of dual training.


  42. German-Uzbek dialogue on climate-resilient agriculture

    Flag of Uzbekistan

    Promotion of technical and institutional expertise in the field of fodder cultivation and seed production for a sustainable increase in milk production


  43. German – Zambian Agricultural Knowledge & Training Centre

    Flag of Zambia

    Climate-resilient and agroecological cultivation for the further development of modern agriculture in Zambia and the region – development, testing, dissemination, training


  44. Organic Spice Production (OSP) in Vietnam

    Various spices on a market in Hanoi

    The project promotes a replicable model on diversified, ecological and climate-resilient multi-crop production systems for selected spices in Cao Bang province, Vietnam


  45. Geoinformation Centre for the Western Balkans

    Luftaufnahme von Feldern im Kosovo

    GEO-WB6 intends to support the agricultural sector in the Western Balkans in the EU accession process by improving capacities in geodata analysis


  46. German-Colombian Project for Agroecology

    Landwirt in Kolumbien bei der Ernte

    Promotion, verification and recognition of agroecological practices to strengthen food security and socio-economic improvement in vulnerable rural communities


  47. German-Turkish Association Cooperation in the Cooperative Sector

    Turkish flag

    Development and implementation of models for the targeted empowerment of women and young professionals in agricultural cooperatives and their organisational structures


  48. Strengthening Smallholder Farmer Groups

    Ernte von Maniok in Tansania

    The capacity of organisations promoting agroecology and organic farming is strengthened to increase both producer supply and consumer demand


  49. Ethiopia - SUSCAMI

    Ethiopian Flag

    Sustainable camel milk production through improved husbandry practices and value chain


  50. Accelerating Climate Resilient Agriculture in Telangana (ACRAT)

    Indian flag

    Data Driven Agro Ecological TestHubs provide farmers with decisionsupport systems to adapt to changing climatic and environmental conditions and reduce the use of external inputs


  51. Agricultural Policy Dialogue (APD) African Union

    Group Picture at the African Youth Agribusiness Forum

    Accelerating transformation of African agrifood systems towards resilience through strengthened policy frameworks, guidelines, and implementation


  52. Argentina - Bilateral Dialogue on Sustainable Agricultural Innovations

    Flag of Argentina

    The project promotes environmentally friendly innovations, addressing climate change and improving the framework conditions for their dissemination


  53. Sino-German Agricultural Centre (DCZ)

    Ophelia Nick, Parliamentary State Secretary in the BMEL with the Chinese Vice Minister of Agriculture Ma Youxiang

    Central contact and information point for thecoordination of Sino-German cooperation in the agricultural and food sector


  54. Transformation through Human Rights

    Eine Hand voll mit frisch geernteter Hirse

    The German Institute for Human Rights (GIHR) aims to contribute to an enhanced realization of the right to adequate food.


  55. Institutional partnership between ANSA and LAVES

    Flag of Moldova

    Improvement of the veterinary and food safety system in line with EU standards through capacity building and strengthening of administrative structures


  56. AgriDENZ - An Alliance for the Climate

    mehrere Personen wovon eine Person eine unterschiebene Urkunde des Agridenz Projektes in der Hand hält

    Intensify the mutual exchange of experiences and cooperation between New Zealand and Germany to develop solutions for the global climate impact of/on agricultural production systems


  57. Shaping the Future

    Just and agroecological transformation of food systems in the semi-arid region of Northeastern Brazil

    Brasilianische Flagge

  58. Preparation of a global partnership for bioeconomy for sustainable food and agriculture

    Wassertropfen an einem Grashalm

    The bioeconomy concept aims to move away from a petroleum-based economy towards an economy based on renewable raw materials


  59. Ukraine - Emergency assistance for spring crop production in southern Ukraine

    A male and a female farmer on a field in Ukraine

    Project Profile


  60. Development of the forestry sector in Vietnam

    Researchers in a forest in Vietnam

    The Forestry Training Centre in Dong Ha qualifies urgently needed skilled personnel


  61. Forest policy advice within the APD-SEE framework

    Forst in Southeast-Europe

    The project aims to improve the political framework in priority forestry areas, taking into account EU requirements


  62. Promotion of Agroforestry

    A woman is checking tree seedlings in Zambia.

    The project promotes the operational capability of the Farmer Training Center (FTC) in Katete and the application of agroforestry practices on smallholder land throughout the district
