German-Colombian Project for Agroecology

Promotion, verification and recognition of agroecological practices to strengthen food security and socio-economic improvement in vulnerable rural communities

The Agriculture in Colombia

The Colombian agricultural sector plays a central role in the country’s economy: It employs 15% of the workforce and produces 70% of the country’s food, including coffee, cocoa, fruit and sugar cane. However, the sector faces serious problems due to the excessive use of fertilizers and pesticides. These not only damage the soil, but also affect the sustainability of agriculture. These challenges highlight the need for innovative approaches that can strengthen food security and improve the socio-economic situation of vulnerable population groups.

Porträt Kolumbien

Kolumbien mit seiner reichen biologischen Vielfalt und seinen diversen Ökosystemen steht vor Herausforderungen wie Entwaldung, Klimawandel und Umweltverschmutzung.

Trotz dieser Herausforderungen bleibt der Agrarsektor für die kolumbianische Wirtschaft lebenswichtig. Das Land hat nationale und internationale Politiken und Programme zur Erhaltung der Umwelt und zur nachhaltigen Entwicklung der Landwirtschaft umgesetzt.

The Project

Agroecology offers a comprehensive solution through sustainable practices and a holistic approach that combines local knowledge with interdisciplinary science to transform agricultural and food systems. In Colombia, its dissemination has so far been limited. This is precisely where the project comes in: By promoting and disseminating agroecological innovations, climate resilience is strengthened and biodiversity is protected. At the same time, the project supports smallholder agriculture (ACFEC)1 and works closely with experts, multipliers and the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Delevlopment (MADR) to strengthen agroecology in Colombia in the long term.

ACFEC is short for Agricultura Campesina, Familiar, Étnica y Comunitaria and describes a communal, family driven and ethnic agricultural practice.

Project Goals

  • Improvement of the socio-economic situation of smallholder farmers (ACFEC) through agroecological innovations
  • Implementation of participatory demonstration and research projects on agroecological approaches
  • Creation of networks to disseminate these approaches
  • Supporting the implementation of the national agroecological policy of the MADR

“The German-Colombian Project for Agroecology is a participatory project that enhances smallholder agriculture (ACFEC). It ensures the active participation of farmers in all phases and combines traditional knowledge with scientific knowledge to identify innovations and gaps on the way to sustainable systems” Cindy Alexandra Córdoba Vargas, Co-Project Manager.

Results and Successes

  • Identification of target groups and priority regions in the project
  • Identification of innovative agroecological approaches
  • Supporting the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development in the development of an agroecological policy in Colombia in workshops and meetings with producer organizations
  • Formulation of the participatory pilot project

Project Partners and Cooperations

  • Germany: Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL)
  • Colombia: Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MADR)

Project Partner on Operational Level

  • Colombian Society for Agricultural Research (AGROSAVIA)
  • Julius Kühn Institute (JKI)
  • Other project partners: Unidad de Restitución de Tierras (URT), Agencia de Desarrollo Rural (ADR), Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje (SENA)

Implementing Organisation

Baunscheidtstr. 17
53113 Bonn 

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Deutsch-Kolumbianisches Demonstrations- und Trainingszentrum für Agrarökologie
Via Mosquera
250047 Bogotá

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