Cooperation Project "Sustainable Agriculture"

Agricultural dialogue to support agricultural advisory services and the promotion of sustainable, climate-adapted agriculture in crop and vegetable production in Mongolia

The Agriculture in Mongolia

Agriculture is one of the most important economic sectors in Mongolia. It employs over 20% of the Mongolian labour force. The "State Policy on Food and Agriculture" sets the agricultural policy framework and formulates the goals of the Mongolian government. The development towards a sustainable and competitive agriculture, taking into account agroecological elements, is intended to ensure the supply of domestic and healthy products to the Mongolian population and reduce dependence on food imports (strengthening food sovereignty).

Portrait Mongolia

Mongolia is a country with a very low population density and rich natural resources.

Nomadic animal husbandry is widespread in agriculture. Arable farming is characterized by the arid climate, extremely cold winters and very short growing seasons. For some years now, an increasingly noticeable ecological sub-sector has also been developing in Mongolia.

The Project

In the 4th phase of the DMKNL, the agricultural dialogue with the Mongolian Ministry of Agriculture (MoFALI) and other project partners will be continued. The focus is on good agricultural practices, sustainable and climate-adapted forms of cultivation and the development of agricultural advisory services relating to crop and vegetable farming. In addition to providing advice on agricultural law, the DMKNL imparts technical and methodological knowledge and promotes key institutions from the agricultural sector. The target group includes specialists and decision makers from the MoFALI, agricultural administrations, farmers’ associations and agricultural research and educational institutions. Where possible, the project promotes the establishment of agroecological principles and gender equality.

Project Goals

  • Establishment of a modern agricul- tural legal framework;
  • Promotion of the agricultural advisory system and provision of target-group-specific advisory services;
  • Strengthening institutional struc- tures in the agricultural sector;
  • Capacity building through training programmes, study tours, etc.;
  • Establishing networks for the exchange of agricultural expertise at national and international level.

Results and Successes

  • Close consultation on the Plant Variety and Seed Act (adopted in 2021) as well as laws on plant protection and agricultural insurance;
  • 29 seminars, workshops and trainings at national and regional level and 3 special- ised study tours to Germany with over 1,200 participants (>50% women);
  • Publication of numerous manuals, studies and policy briefs, g. on the effects of climate change on arable and vegetable farming.

"The work of the DMKNL makes a significant contribution to the develop- ment of sustainable, climate-resilient and productive structures in crop and vegetable farming and thus contributes significantly to the transformation of the agricultural sector and the increase of food sovereignty in Mongolia." Quote from Dr. Yesun-Erdene
Head of the Department for Coordination and Implementation of Crop Farming Policy, MoFALI

Project Partners and Cooperations

  • Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Light Industry of Mongolia (MoFALI)

Project Partner on Operational Level

  • Mongolian University of Life Sciences (MULS)
  • Institute for Plant and Agricultural Sciences (IPAS)
  • Research and Development Center for Food, Agriculture and Light Industry (RDC)
  • Mongolian National Crop Farmers Association (MNCFA)

Link to the project website: DMKNL-Mongolei

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German-Mongolian Cooperation Project Sustainable Agriculture (DMKNL)
Agricultural dialogue to support agricultural advisory services and the promotion of sustainable, climate-adapted agriculture in crop and vegetable production in Mongolia
Unity Center
Oyutnii gudamj 44
14191 Ulaanbaatar

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