AgriDENZ - An Alliance for the Climate

Intensify the mutual exchange of experiences and cooperation between New Zealand and Germany to develop solutions for the global climate impact of/on agricultural production systems


The objectives of the project are deeply rooted in international climate agreements such as the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), the Kyoto Protocol, and the Paris Agreement. The project is also in line with several sustainability goals and demonstrates a holistic commitment to sustainable development, climate protection and global cooperation. There is a clear link to six of the 17 global goals for sustainable development of the 2030 Agenda, the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): SDG 2, 6, 12, 13, 15 and 17.

New Zealand Climate Change Policy Aand Agriculture

In 2019 the Climate Change Response (Zero Carbon) Act passed into law. This set the following domestic targets for reducing New Zealand’s total greenhouse gas emissions:

Net zero emissions of all greenhouse gases other than biogenic methane by 2050, and 24% to 47% reduction below 2017 levels of biogenic methane emissions by 2050, including a 10% reduction by 2030.
New Zealand’s first emissions reduction plan was published in May 2022, and the second plan is underway and will be published before the end of 2024. The plan includes a set of key actions to support farmers, growers, and whenua Māori owners to lower agricultural emissions, while continuing to produce high-value, high-quality food and fibres. This will require a combination of changes to on-farm practices and land use, as well as advancements in research and technology.

The Project

Knowledge exchange within and between the German and New Zealand scientific communities and knowledge exchange at the interface between research, policy and practice is essential for the implementation of climate-friendly solutions. The dynamic contexts, complexities and local specificities of the current climate-related challenges facing agriculture require more inclusive, flexible mechanisms to guide the generation, integration and exchange of knowledge and the development of practical solutions.
This project, which is supported by the German Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture and the New Zealand Ministry for Primary Industries, will contribute to developing these mechanisms.

Project Goals

  • Strengthening the scientific exchange between institutions of practice-oriented research
  • Establishing a policy dialogue on priority sub-topics
  • Coordination of joint supportive action in third party countries with a focus on the Global South

Results and Successes

The AgriDENZ project supported the organization of the “International Research Symposium on Agricultural Greenhouse Gas Mitigation: From Research to Implementation” that took place from 21st – 23rd October 2024 in Berlin, Germany. The event, hosted by BMEL, fostered international exchange on the implementation of climate mitigation measures and low-emission development strategies in agriculture, set new priorities and ideas for research cooperation and gave new impetus to existing and emerging network activities. It was co-organised by GRA, CGIAR and the Thünen Institute. Over 200 participants from over 40 countries had the chance to listen to around 70 oral presentations and 50 poster presentations.

Implementing Organisation

Ministerium für Primärindustrien (MPI)

Durchführende Institutionen

  • New Zealand Agricultural Greenhouse Gas Research Centre (NZAGRC)
  • The Johann Heinrich von Thünen Institute

Link to Project-Website: AgriDENZ

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Dialog zu Klima und Landwirtschaft zwischen Neuseeland und Deutschland (AgriDENZ)
Massey University
Tennent Drive
4442 Turitea

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