German-Ukrainian Cooperation in Organic Agriculture (COA)

Cooperation between Germany and Ukraine in organic farming through capacity building and strengthening of structures

The Agriculture in Ukraine

In Ukraine, there are around 400 organic farms covering about 260,000 hectares. The government supports the expansion of organic farming and is trying to increase the area under organic cultivation. Despite the war, farms have been able to obtain organic certification under a separate law since August 2023. Even during the Russian war of aggression against Ukraine, the Ukrainian organic sector continues to operate and market its products at home and abroad.

Portrait Ukraine

Despite constant air strikes and power cuts, Ukrainian farmers are doing their best to grow fruit and vegetables.

The volume of trade on the Ukrainian market has increased again since summer 2022, even if it has not yet reached pre-war levels.

The Project

The project aims to support the Ukrainian government in implementing the Ukrainian law on organic farming. The Ukrainian law on organic farming has been fully adopted. In addition, the project is developing a digital knowledge platform for organic farming in Ukraine and supporting organic farming organisations in Ukraine.

Project Goals

• The authorities are able to carry out the tasks assigned to them by the Organic Farming Act in a professional manner.
• The Scientific Centre for Training and Higher Education independently operates a knowledge platform on organic farming.
• Private and public institutions strengthen the professional dialogue within the organic sector and promote its national visibility.

Results and Successes

COA actively supports the relevant ministry in all matters relating to organic farming by coaching and training the responsible authorities in the implementation of the law.
To date, more than 600 articles have been published on the Ukrainian-language knowledge platform. Thanks to targeted aid, most of Ukraine’s organic farms have survived the Russian war of aggression.

Project Partners and Cooperations

• Ministry of Agricultural Policy and Food (MAPF)
• Ministry of Education and Science (MBW) Project Partner on Operational Level
• Food Safety Agency (FSA)
• Scientific and Methodological Centre for Training and Education (NMZ)

Implementing Organisation

GOPA AFC GmbH in consortium with
IAK Agrar Consulting GmbH

Link to the project website: COA

Released as text


Ukraine - Cooperation Organic Farming
Cooperation between Germany and Ukraine in organic farming through competence building and strengthening structures.
Raum 609
Velyka Zhytomyrska 33
01601 Kyiv

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